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Meet Kevin Launchbaugh


Meet Kevin Launchbaugh

Meet Kevin Launchbaugh - COPAS Member Spotlights Kevin L FA Blog - Council of Petroleum Accountants Societies

Title:  Managing Partner

Society:  Oklahoma City (PASO)

Position:  Director

Member Spotlight

1. Where do you live?

Tulsa, OK

2. How long have you been involved with COPAS?

 12 years

3. What has been your favorite COPAS Event?

Spring 2014 Meeting in Glendale, AMy favorite COPAS event was the Salt Lake City meeting. It is a beautiful city and getting to experience the Olympic training center was awesome.

4. What do you think the biggest benefit has been to you?

There are A LOT of COPAS members with A LOT of oil and gas accounting and auditing knowledge. And being able to soak up and retain some of that knowledge and experience is a great opportunity.

5. What would you tell someone else about getting involved?

I would tell them to try and experience a national meeting for the networking and knowledge-sharing opportunities. If you cannot make a national meeting, try to get to a local society meeting. Odds are that you will learn something that will make you a better oil and gas accountant.

6. What would you say about the networking within COPAS?

The networking opportunities in COPAS are a great benefit. Through networking, you will most likely meet an expert in all areas of oil and gas accounting and auditing. And, if you can’t find that expert, you will definitely meet someone who can point you in the right direction.

7. Why should people in this industry be a part of COPAS?

COPAS is THE source of oil and gas accounting and auditing expertise. Our organization literally meets and discusses how we want to handle oil and gas accounting and auditing issues. How cool is that!

8. Share one fun fact about you that most people do not know.

I lived in Germany when the Berlin Wall fell and was able to visit and collect pieces of it.

Are you interested in becoming a COPAS member? Click here to submit your member inquiry today!

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