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Meet Carolyn Sczepanski


Meet Carolyn Sczepanski

Meet Carolyn Sczepanski - 01865 COPAS Member Spotlights Carolyn Sczepanski Blog FA - Council of Petroleum Accountants Societies

Title:  Manager

Society:  Dallas

Position:  Director

Member Spotlight

1. Where do you live?

Highland Village, TX

2. How long have you been involved with COPAS?

 Joined during 1998. Many of my long-standing friendships are with COPAS members who I had the privilege of meeting along the way.

3. What has been your favorite COPAS Event?

One of my favorites was the COPAS 50th Anniversary celebration in Houston 2011. I am proud to be part of a professional organization that helps its members navigate the highs and lows of the ever-changing energy industry

4. What do you think the biggest benefit has been to you?

Excellent resources and support – the majority of questions I or any COPAS member may have can be addressed with just a few key strokes on the COPAS website or a phone call / email to another COPAS member.

5. What would you tell someone else about getting involved?

COPAS is the one-stop shopping of Energy Education. Opportunities are available to learn the basics of the industry to managing the emerging remote technology centers or what to do about drone charges. The more involved a member is, the more access and exposure there is to the even more educational opportunities.

6. What would you say about the networking within COPAS?

COPAS meetings and membership provide members access to contacts throughout the energy industry who work at all levels and positions of energy accounting and finance. Relationships are established that create energy-wide connections.

7. Why should people in this industry be a part of COPAS?

Anyone searching for energy knowledge, professional industry contacts, other energy peers to discuss similar dilemmas and access to energy experts – COPAS is the place to be!

8. Share one fun fact about you that most people do not know.

I was a dragster racer and competed numerous times at the Irwindale Dragstrip.

Are you interested in becoming a COPAS member? Click here to submit your member inquiry today!

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