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AG-8 Natural Gas Administrative Issues


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AG-8 Natural Gas Administrative Issues

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Developed by the COPAS/INGAA/A.G.A. Task Force, AG-8 contains the recommended industry guidelines relative to the administration of natural gas transactions in an open access environment.  The scope of these recommendations encompasses the nomination, allocation, volume imbalance, and business applications from wellhead through final delivery, within the framework of regulatory and contractual requirements.  Common terminology and electronic communication of recommended minimum data elements are also addressed.  The overriding objective involves the establishment of industry guidelines that facilitate communication among sellers, purchasers, shippers, transporters, and operators, thereby promoting a more reliable and responsive natural gas infrastructure capable of meeting industry challenges and a dynamic market.  278 pages. April 2012.

Included with the AG-8 are the 2 addenda:
AG-8 AD-2 Operator / Producer Roles & Responsibilities 190 pages.  Pub. October 1993
AG-8 AD-3 FERC ORDER 636, Accounting Implementation Guideline. 73 pages. Pub. October 1993


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Weight 4.0000000035274 oz
Dimensions 11 × 8.5 × 0.025 in

Digital, Printed

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