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AG-16 Internal Audits of Gas Plants

Gas plant audits are among the most challenging, important and productive reviews an audit staff can perform. Plant designs and operating modes vary in the industry and require many different types of contractual relationships. This document will aid in performing these audits.  19 pages. 1995.


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AG-16 Internal Audits of Gas Plants

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Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to Gas Plant Audits
    1. Purpose and Scope
    2. Audit Objective
  2. Introduction to This Guideline
  3. Area 1—Prepwork
  4. Area 2—Allocations
    1. Plant Operations
    2. Allocation Process
    3. Audit Steps and Questions
  5. Area 3—Site Visits
    1. Suggestions and Tips
  6. Area 4—Plant Revenue/Lease Settlements
    1. Suggestions and Tips
    2. Residue Gas Pricing
    3. NGL Products Pricing
    4. Keep Whole Payments
  7. Area 5—Expenditure Review
    1. Suggestions and Tips
  8. Area 6—Internal Control Review
    1. Suggestions and Tips

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Additional information

Weight 4.0000000035274 oz
Dimensions 11 × 8.5 × 0.025 in

Digital, Printed

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