COPAS OKC is pleased to announce 2021 Education Day and there are still tickets available. The event is scheduled for Tuesday, November 9, 2021 and will be broadcast virtually via Zoom. This is a great chance for you to earn CPE credit at a reasonable cost without having to leave your office.
We will have seven speakers covering a variety of topics, including two hours of Ethics CPE, for only $99 per person. The event is open to anyone needing CPE credit regardless of whether you are a COPAS member. Visit sign up.
Zoom links will be send out prior to the meeting date. Also, the website issues have been corrected so you should have no issues registering for the event. The agenda is as follows and hope to see you there!
8:15 AM – 8:30 AM Introductions and Announcements – Royce Porter, COPAS OKC President-Elect
8:30 AM – 9:20 AM Energy Legal Update – Mark Christiansen, Attorney – Mark D. Christiansen, PLLC
This presentation will identify certain of the key court rulings and Oklahoma Corporation Commission decisions in the oil and gas industry over the past year.
Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge
Program Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advance Preparation: None
CPE Credits: 1
By the end of this presentation you’ll be able to:
1. Develop a good sense of the pending new issues to be decided by the Courts in litigation over the future topics
2. Reach an informed assessment of how the company and group you work with will want to resolve these new issues.
9:35 AM – 10:25 AM Ethics I – Katrina Dougan, Senior Consultant – HoganTaylor *
This presentation is focused on the methods to create a positive ethical culture and a case for business ethics.
Field of Study: Behavioral Ethics
Program Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advance Preparation: None
CPE Credits: 1
By the end of this presentation you’ll be able to:
1. Identify the importance of business ethics and implications to core business success
2. Identify way to build and support an ethical culture into business.
10:40 AM – 11:30 PM Financial Reporting – A.J. Smith, Senior Manager – Ernst & Young
This presentation is focused on current trends in the area of oil and gas financial reporting.
Field of Study: Accounting
Program Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advance Preparation: None
CPE Credits: 1
By the end of this presentation you’ll be able to:
1. Recall trends in 2021 SEC staff comment letter and the most frequent comment area
2. Identify trends for oil and gas entities including Non-GAAP measures and oil and gas reserves
11:40 AM – 12:30 PM Federal and State Royalty Legislative Updates – Jeremy Norton, Regulatory Consultant – Conoco Phillips
This presentation is focused on changes to federal and state royalty laws.
Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge
Program Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advance Preparation: None
CPE Credits: 1
By the end of this presentation you’ll be able to:
1. Identify changes to existing federal and state royalty laws
2. Identify new laws related to federal and state royalty payments
12:30 PM – 1:30 PM Lunch (No Speaker)
1:30 PM – 2:20PM State Tax Legislative Updates – Nate Wolf, Senior Severance Tax Advisor – Conoco Phillips
This presentation is focused on changes to state tax laws related to the oil and gas industry.
Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge
Program Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advance Preparation: None
CPE Credits: 1
By the end of this presentation you’ll be able to:
1. Identify changes to existing state tax laws related to the oil and gas industry
2. Identify new state tax laws related to the oil and gas industry
2:35 PM – 3:25 PM Energy Realities and Energy Policy – Betty Simkins, Ph.D., Head of Finance Department – Oklahoma State University
This presentation is focused on current trends and policies associated with the oil and gas industry.
Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge
Program Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advance Preparation: None
CPE Credits: 1
By the end of this presentation you’ll be able to:
1. Better understand current government policy trends in the oil and gas industry
2. Better understand alternatives to current energy reality
3:40 PM – 4:30 PM Ethics II – C. David Rhoades, Managing Director – Turnaround Professionals *
This presentation is focused on guidelines used in analyzing and reporting on potential inappropriate accounting for oil and gas accountants.
Field of Study: Regulatory Ethics
Program Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advance Preparation: None
CPE Credits: 1
By the end of this presentation you’ll be able to:
1. Write a report to interested parties regarding inappropriate activity
2. Use appropriate ethics in determining whether inappropriate analysis of factual situations
4:30 PM – 5:00 PM Closing – Royce Porter, COPAS OKC President-Elect
For cancellations and refunds, please contact
Council of Petroleum Accountants Societies (COPAS), Inc. is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website:
* Disclaimer: Oklahoma CPAs applying for an initial permit and those applying to renew a lapsed permit must complete the AICPA ethics course, Professional Ethics: The AICPA’s Comprehensive Course.