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Maintaining APA® Certification

APA® certifications are valid for one year, expiring on the last day of March of each year. In order to maintain a current certification, APA® Certificate Holders are required to complete an Annual Assessment certifying that thirty (30) hours of continuing education have been completed over a two (2) year period and submit a Renewal Fee (see Fee Schedule).

By completing continuing education that advances knowledge, skills, and abilities, the APA® Certificate Holder stays current with the latest research, professional standards, and guidelines in the petroleum and petroleum accounting industry and promotes career advancement.

The APA® Board of Examiners has set thirty (30) hours of continuing education over a two (2) year period (30 CPE) as a minimum requirement to become eligible to renew the APA® certification. The APA® Board of Examiners encourages its certified professionals to complete additional continuing education as necessary for career advancement.

APA® Individual Annual Registration and Assessment Form

Please ensure your address and contact information is current. To update your information, please email the APA® Administrator at

For questions regarding your APA® certificate renewal, please email the APA® Administrator.

Recertification Policies And Procedures

APA® certified professionals must comply with the following every year to renew their APA® certification:

  • Complete at least thirty (30) hours of continuing professional education credits (CPE) over a two (2) year period with a minimum of five (5) hours earned in any one year
  • Complete an Annual Assessment
  • Remain in good standing with the APA® Board of Examiners.

Submit the APA® Annual Registration Form along with the appropriate Renewal Fee prior to the expiration date for the certification.

Renewal Fee

APA® Certification
On-time renewal $100

Late Renewals
Up to 2 months late $125
3 months to 6 months late $175
Later than 6 months Certification Revoked*

Prices and number of Continuing Professional Education Requirements are subject to change.

*Hardship provisions may be made on a case-by-case basis.

COPAS, on behalf of the APA® Board of Examiners, emails the Annual Assessment and Annual Fee forms at the beginning of each calendar year prior to the expiration date of the APA® certification  informing individuals on the steps necessary to renew their certification.

It is the responsibility of each APA® Certified individual to notify the APA® Administrator in writing of any change of address or contact information. Failure to provide current contact information could result in the loss of certification.

APA® Certified Professionals are allowed to renew their certification at any point prior to March 31; however, CPE is accrued based on the previous calendar year. Renewals can be completed online and must contain all the necessary information to be processed. It is the APA® Certified Professionals responsibility to file for a renewal before the deadline of March 31.

If you have any questions about maintaining your APA® certification, please contact the APA® Administrator via phone at (877) 992-6727 or (303) 300-1131, or via email at To order a replacement certificate, please call or email the above. There will be a $25 charge for replacement certificates.

Retired Status And Reinstatement

An APA® in good standing who has attained age fifty-five (55) prior to April 1 of the renewal year and is no longer actively engaged in the oil and gas industry may apply for RETIRED status. To receive the Retired Status, the APA® must submit an Annual Fee of one-half of the Renewal Fees stated above and submit a signed Affidavit attesting to the fact that the APA® is not actively practicing in petroleum accounting, auditing, consulting services or any other technical service relating to the petroleum industry. No annual Continuing Professional Education (CPE) will be required. However, should a Retired APA® return to employment or become actively engaged again in Petroleum Accounting, fifteen (15) hours of CPE must be completed within the calendar year of returning to work. CPE hours used for reinstatement to ACTIVE status may not be used toward the current year reporting requirements. The Annual Assessment form with the applicable ACTIVE renewal fees must also be submitted prior to receiving reinstatement to ACTIVE status.

APA®’s who have applied for RETIRED status may use the APA® designation but may not practice in the oil and gas industry in any manner, including but not limited to contract consulting, accounting, auditing, or any other technical services in the petroleum industry.

Inactive Status And Reinstatement

An APA® in good standing who is no longer actively engaged in oil and gas accounting, auditing, consulting, or technical services to the oil and gas industry may request to be placed on the INACTIVE APA® status. To receive the Inactive status an continue to use the APA® designation, the APA® must complete and submit the Annual Assessment and Annual Fee and submit a signed Affidavit attesting to the fact that the APA® is not actively practicing in petroleum accounting, auditing, consulting, or any other technical service relating to the petroleum industry. A minimum of five (5) hours of Continuing Professional Education (CPE) hours will be required on an annual basis while in Inactive status. However, should an Inactive APA® return to employment or become actively engaged again in petroleum accounting, auditing, consulting, or any other technical services involving the petroleum industry, fifteen (15) hours of CPE must be completed within the calendar year of returning to work. CPE hours used for reinstatement to ACTIVE status may not be used toward the current year reporting requirements. The Annual Assessment form with the applicable ACTIVE renewal fees must also be submitted prior to receiving reinstatement to ACTIVE status.

Revocation Or Denial Of Certification Or Renewal

The APA® Certification may be revoked or renewal denied if:

  1. The Continuing Professional Education requirements are not met
  2. The Annual Fees required to maintain the certification are not paid
  3. The certificate holder is guilty of a serious breach of ethical standard, such as an APA® Code of Ethics violation as determined by the APA® Board of Examiners
  4. If the certificate holder has received a conviction in a felony charge.

Renewing An Expired Certification

The BOE extends a professional courtesy of an extension to individuals unable to submit renewal information by their expiration date. During this ‘grace’ period, the certification is technically expired and the individual is not considered an actively certified APA®.

In these situations, there are penalty fees associated with processing the renewal Assessment. Individuals submitting renewal Assessments and Fees up to two months late will be assessed a renewal/penalty fee of $125.00 (renewal of $100 plus $25 late fee), while those submitting renewal information three to six months late will be assessed $175.00 late renewal/penalty fee (renewal of $100 plus $75 late fee). Late renewals must be submitted via mail, with all appropriate paperwork including the renewal fee plus the penalty fee. Individuals who are unable to submit their completed Assessment and Renewal Fees within this grace period will lose their certification and have no option but to re-register to take the exam to re-earn the certification.

An extension will be considered on a case-by-case basis for documented cases of serious illness, bereavement, natural disasters, and other emergencies. In these instances, candidates must contact the APA® Administrator directly, via phone at (877) 992-6727 or (303) 300-1131, or via email at, to request reinstatement of their certification. Individuals in this situation must provide documentation to support their request for reinstatement, along with proof of fifteen (15) CPE, and a reinstatement fee of $150.00. Reinstatement due to an emergency situation will only be considered for individuals who are within six to twelve months beyond their expiration date.

If you have questions about renewing an expired certification in situations that meet the parameters above, please contact the APA® Administrator via phone at (877) 992-6727 or (303) 300-1131, or via email at

Continuing Professional Education (CPE)

Thirty (30) hours of Continuing Professional Education (CPE) are required over a two (2) year period with a minimum of five (5) CPE hours earned in any one year to maintain a current APA® certification. COPAS will not award any CPE for passing the APA® exam.

Types of CPE that qualify are:

  • Courses that qualify for CPA continuing education in the certified individual’s state of licensure
  • CPE presented at petroleum accountants local Society meetings
  • CPE presented at national COPAS meetings

College credit hours will earn fifteen (15) hours of CPE for each semester hour completed if the credit hours are related to accounting. The following supporting documentation should be maintained and provided with the Annual Assessment:

  • Program syllabus and description
  • Instructor name and qualifications
  • Semester hours credited
  • Record of passing grade or signed attendance to all classes if no grade is given

The CPE requirement will be waived if the APA® passed the exam during the calendar year being reported on the Annual Assessment Form.

Each APA® should maintain a copy of each Annual Assessment Form filed with the APA® Administrator and supporting documentation for a period of no less than five (5) years. Records must be made available to the APA® Administrator, or designee upon request. Supporting documentation should include:

  • Title of Course
  • Date(s) Attended
  • Location
  • Sponsoring Organization
  • CPE Hours Earned
  • Signature of Sponsoring Organization

NOTE: Annual CPE Requirements are subject to change with sufficient notice.


To verify the status of a certificate holder, please email the APA® Administrator at Individuals who have let an APA® certification expire, and are still in their 6-month grace period following their expiration date, will not be considered ”Active” until all steps required to renew their certification have been completed. However, no information submitted to or requested from the APA® Board of Examiners and/or Meazure Learning will be released to a third party without authorization and a written consent from the candidate. This includes examination results or pass/fail status and certification status.

Career Development And COPAS Energy Education

COPAS is committed to help APA® Certified Professionals develop their careers through quality continuing education and business opportunities. As such, COPAS Energy Education is available to help APA® Certified Professionals maintain their APA® certifications by providing the necessary CPE requirements to maintain the APA® Certification and advance their careers. Everyone working in COPAS Energy Education either holds the APA® Certification or has qualifications or experience that is equivalent to or exceeds the APA® certification. These individuals also either work in the role of a certified professional or supervise or educate professionals who serve in a certificate holder’s role.

COPAS Energy Education may be contacted via phone at (877) 992-6727 or (303) 300-1131, or via email at

Registration Form


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Maintaining APA® Certification

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